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The Reading Program - Fluency and Phonics for Struggling Readers

  • 58 Steps


Looking for an affordable way to help your struggling reader? You're in luck! Our Reading Program is now available! If your child is struggling with reading, there is a good chance that they are missing some of the foundational skills and knowledge needed to make true academic growth. This is why we created our Reading Foundations Program - we have created a self-guided program that parents and guardians can use to help their children achieve academic growth at home. For only $47, you receive access to our reading foundations program, which allows you to go step by step with your child to fill in those learning gaps for good. This program goes back to the basics of phonics and fluency to fill in any gaps in learning, so that your kiddo can advance to more complex reading skills. Here are some signs that this program is a good fit for your child: ​Your child has trouble accurately pronouncing the sound that a letter makes. For example: When you ask them what sound a W makes, they will likely say "duh" instead of "wuh". ​ Or, they pronounce a J like a G sound. Your child confuses p,d, b, and q - and they take more than 10 seconds to figure the word/sound out (or just can't read the word). By the way, reversing these letters occasionally is a normal ​behavior for students up to 2nd grade level, but if they consistently mix these up or can't accurately pronounce words, then this is the right place to start. Your child struggles with level one books, such as Pete The Cat, Pinkalicious, The Fat Cat Sat on the Mat, Go Bot Go, and more. We also have a checklist that allows you to identify if this is the right fit support for your child (see course). This program does require the support from a parent, guardian, or adult. This is not a self led program, because we find that self led programs don't work for struggling students.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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